Calculating Present Value in Today’s Dollars

What is the present value of $100 in today’s dollars in three years, if you assume inflation at a 3.5% rate and that the annual average after-tax rate investment is 9% (assuming a yearly compound rate)? There are two ways of computing the answer. Read More

The HP 12C Financial Calculator

Which financial calculator should I buy? There are many financial calculators available and which calculator you choose to use is largely a matter of preference. However, the keystrokes provided throughout the Bryant University’s Online Certificate in Financial Planning are written specifically for the HP 12C financial calculator. Read More

Should I use my HP-12C or should I use formulas when answering a TVM question?

If Joe invested $3,250 for 5 years at a rate of 6%, and his marginal tax bracket is 35%, what would his accumulation be after taxes? Read More