The ideal CFP learning journey has a lot in common with a marathon that ends with a big kick sprint finish. How do you get the most out of each stage of the CFP "marathon"?
Year after year, exam cycle after cycle, one common trait/characteristic we see within students who pass the certification exam is excellent time management with their studies. It sounds simple, but without a committed plan of action, many students bounce from thing to thing in their studies, inevitably missing some key topics and not reaching the depth of understanding needed to achieve Exam day success.
One approach that works for many candidates is to schedule study sessions as if they were appointments with top clients. Identifying study time opportunities and placing them on one’s calendar adds an element of accountability. It can be energizing, as well, because it gives the student an opportunity to always be catching oneself doing what they said they were going to do.
Some students go so far as to write in exactly what they will do in each study session, depending on the time allotted in a session. Some sessions may be strictly for reading content; another session may be dedicated to a practice quiz. Yet another session may be for reviewing quiz questions and locating supporting content to review for questions answered incorrectly.
As the old saying goes, “Plan your work and work your plan.”